The video concludes with the written words: "Obviously, this upgrade is not actually available.Major car manufacturers are also getting in on the act.Inevitably, lesser-known gadget makers and innovators are also trying to make a name for themselves with some off-the-wall products."Toyota has released a video of Lloyd and Fox discussing what the film got right and wrong about the future.Meanwhile, Universal Pictures also had a bit of fun with its Jaws 19 mock trailer Auto components Manufacturers — Back to the Future included a clip of a cinema showing Jaws 19. It has not so far attempted to tie the snazzy-looking device to the hoverboard in the film, despite the uncanny similarities."The Back to the Future trilogy was as big a moment in pop culture history then as it is now, 30 years later. Just 6,500 Pepsi Perfect bottles were available, and only online.Take Pepsi.And major companies are not missing a trick in taking advantage of the occasion, which will feature screenings of Back to the Future: Part II and other events to commemorate the day..15.The dog-walking drones and flying cars of Marty McFly’s fictional 21st century are still the stuff of sci-fi in real-life 2015 — but savvy brands from Pepsi to Toyota have rolled out gadgets and gimmicks tapping into Back to the Future nostalgia.

It even has a website (www."The bottled drink, complete with collectible case, will sell at $20.Fans of the film marked Back to the Future Day — characters Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) and McFly (Michael J. And while walking the dog by drone may seem still a little way off, that has not stopped some people apparently trying, according to videos posted online — with decidedly mixed results. "We are excited to be part of this moment and to bring fans something only Pepsi could deliver — and there’s no need to wait — the future is now. The beverage giant has gone big promoting what it optimistically hailed as "the long-awaited creation", including an ad featuring flying cars, robots and a hoverboard — a sort of skateboard without wheels and one of the enduring futuristic gadgets featured in the film.Not to be outdone, Nike has also leapt — hoverboard-like — on the Back to the Future memory bandwagon, saying earlier in 2015 it was releasing a version of the self-lacing Nike Mag shoes that were featured in the movie. Details though remain sketchy.Com/outatime/) with the words: "ON OCTOBER 21, 2015 THE FUTURE WILL BECOME REALITY."Pepsi fans asked and we heard them loud and clear," said Lou Arbetter, PepsiCo senior director of marketing.Toyota. Happy Back to the Future Day!" And luxury marquee Lexus in June revealed its Lexus Hoverboard, harnessing magnetic levitation technology."

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The majority of patients in all the groups were of Han Chinese ethnicity. It is a step towards the development of a deep learning-based tool that could be used to assess the risk of heart disease, either in outpatient clinics or by means of patients taking selfies to perform their own screening. The cheek, forehead and nose contributed more information to the algorithm than other facial areas. These include the low specificity of the test, that the test needs to be improved and validated in larger populations, and that it raises ethical questions about "misuse of information for discriminatory purposes. This information was used to create, train and validate the deep learning algorithm. These include thinning or grey hair, wrinkles, ear lobe crease, xanthelasmata (small, yellow deposits of cholesterol underneath the skin, usually around the eyelids) and arcus corneae (fat and cholesterol deposits that appear as a hazy white, grey or blue opaque ring in the outer edges of the cornea).The new study was published in the European Heart Journal. Such fears have already been expressed over misuse of genetic data, and should be extensively revisited regarding the use of AI in medicine.Professor Zheng, Professor Xiang-Yang Ji, who is director of the Brain and Cognition Institute in the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, Beijing, and other colleagues enrolled 5,796 patients from eight hospitals in China to the study between July 2017 and March 2019. They also interviewed the patients to collect data on socioeconomic status, lifestyle and medical history. Unwanted dissemination of sensitive health record data, that can easily be extracted from a facial photo, renders technologies such as that discussed here a significant threat to personal data protection, potentially affecting insurance options.Professor Ji said: "The algorithm had moderate performance, and additional clinical information did not improve its performance, which means it could be used easily to predict potential heart disease based on facial photos alone. Radiologists reviewed the patients angiograms and assessed the degree of heart disease depending on how many blood vessels were narrowed by 50 per cent or more (>= 50 per cent stenosis), and their location. However, they are difficult for humans to use successfully to predict and quantify heart disease risk. lies in the fact that their deep learning algorithm requires simply a facial image as the sole data input, rendering it highly and easily applicable at large scale. Professor Zheng said: "Ethical issues in developing and applying these novel technologies is of key importance.Although the algorithm needs to be developed further and tested in larger groups of people from different ethnic backgrounds, the researchers say it has the potential to be used as a screening tool that could identify possible heart disease in people in the general population or in high-risk groups, who could be referred for further clinical investigations.

Indeed, the high risk individuals could have a CCTA, which would allow reliable risk stratification with the use of the new, AI-powered methodologies for CCTA image analysis. However, the algorithm requires further refinement and external validation in other populations and ethnicities. However, we need to improve the specificity as a false positive rate of as much as 46 per cent may cause anxiety and inconvenience to patients, as well as potentially overloading clinics with patients requiring unnecessary tests.Trained research nurses took four facial photos with digital cameras: one frontal, two profiles and one view of the top of the head."They continue: "Using selfies as a screening method can enable a simple yet efficient way to filter the general population towards more comprehensive clinical evaluation. highlights a new potential in medical diagnostics.".."To our knowledge, this is the first Wholesale Fuel filter OEM Factory work demonstrating that artificial intelligence can be used to analyse faces to detect heart disease. In the test group, the sensitivity was 80 per cent and specificity was 54 per cent.."It is known already that certain facial features are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. The study is the first to show that its possible to use a deep learning computer algorithm to detect coronary artery disease (CAD) by analysing four photographs of a persons face.They found that the algorithm outperformed existing methods of predicting heart disease risk (Diamond-Forrester model and the CAD consortium clinical score). This could guide further diagnostic testing or a clinical visit," said Professor Zhe Zheng, who led the research and is vice director of the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases and vice president of Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China."Professor Antoniades and Dr Kotanidis also write in their editorial that defining CAD as >= 50 per cent stenosis in one major coronary artery "may be a simplistic and rather crude classification as it pools in the non-CAD group individuals that are truly healthy, but also people who have already developed the disease but are still at early stages (which might explain the low specificity observed). We believe that future research on clinical tools should pay attention to the privacy, insurance and other social implications to ensure that the tool is used only for medical purposes.

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"Unfortunately, I could not see the Sun due to cloud cover but I did catch glimpses of the eclipse in Kozhikode and other parts on live stream."I could see the eclipse this morning and now am very excited to see the peak though now it is cloudy," said Chandra Ayu Dewi, 39, who arrived at 7:00 am with her children.Annular eclipses occur when the Moon is not close enough to the Earth to completely obscure the Sun, leaving a thin ring of the solar Super capacitor components disc visible. The amateur astronomer used a special solar filter on his telescope as there is no safe period to observe an annular solar eclipse.Alexander Alin 45, a geophysicist from Germany, travels around the world following eclipses."

The next one will happen in about 40 years I think," said Jason Teng, 37, who took the day off work to photograph the eclipse.Skywatchers from Saudi Arabia and Oman to India and Singapore were treated to a rare "ring of fire" solar eclipse Thursday..Eclipse stops playIn southern India, people gathered on the beaches in Tamil Nadu to watch the event.Depending on weather conditions, this years astronomical phenomenon was set to be visible from the Middle East across southern India and Southeast Asia before ending over the northern Pacific. But in New Delhi, cloud and pollution blocked the view and Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted his disappointment, although only a partial eclipse would have been visible that far north."Like many Indians I was enthusiastic about solareclipse2019," Modi said.The next annual eclipse in June 2020 will be visible to a narrow band from Africa to northern Asia.

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